
Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


International English Language Testing System (IELTS, read: 'IELTS) is a test of English proficiency. IELTS is jointly managed by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, British Council and IDP Education Australia. The candidates may choose Academic Module (Academic Module) or the General Training Module (General Training Module).
Academic Module is for who wish to enroll in universities - universities and other higher education institutions.
General Training Module is for the plan to follow the non-academic training, to gain work experience or for immigration purposes.
Tesing International English Language System (IELTS) arise because of the need, among universities, schools, government and businesses to an English language test which is recognized internationally. Today, an IELTS score predefined a requirement for foreign students who will attend school, colleges and universities in many Western countries. Most countries that use English now require an IELTS score given to the people who are working visas, residency or citizenship.

Characteristics IELTS
IELTS tests include the following:
• A variety of accents and writing styles presented in written material (text) to minimize linguistic bias. Because the TOEFL only covers North American English, IELTS is considered by some (especially outside the U.S.) is more authoritative than TOEFL, TOEFL although auditory elements also include English and Australian accents.
• IELTS test listening skills, reading, writing and speaking in English.
• Two test formats can be selected: Academic and General Training.
• Score ribbon used for each sub-language skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).

IELTS has become a big business. Each week, around the world, tens of thousands of people take the test so, where tiap2 tests have educational goals and objectives displacement Country living. This is not surprising, therefore, kursus2 which aims to prepare students for these tests have sprung up everywhere. While the quality of these courses varies wildly from school to school, there are some simple strategies that remain in an IELTS preparation course even the most basic.

IELTS test has four components; hearing / listening (30 minutes), Reading / reading (1 hour), Writing / writing (1 hour) and Talking / speaking (12-15 minutes). Overall, to complete the test about 3 hours.

There are two types (modules) of There are two varieties (modules) of the IELTS test IELTS. General Training Module (CM) is a test that is used for visa purposes or for entry into high schools abroad. Academic Module is to go to the university level. The listening and speaking from the modul2, almost the same, and the writing and reading sections for GT module more simple. In this article, would be more in the Academic module is described. First, some general strategies for each section of the test. First, some strategies common to all sections of the test.
There are one or two tips and strategies to help you prepare for each section of the test.

Listening Test (Hearing Test)

People often worry about this part, because, unlike reading and writing, it's just a one-time opportunity. There's no opportunity to listen to the recording. So, if you miss it, it's gone forever! This is why pre-hearing preparation is the key to success here. Use your time wisely. You are given about 30 seconds to read each section before listening, and the same length of time to check answers to each section after listening. Do not waste this time .. Use the time before the hearing to read the instructions and questions and, very importantly predict (guess). Guess the answer. Guess what you will hear, who will speak, where they speak and why? Guess the answer. Guess the form of the word (noun, work, nature or description), or guess based on your knowledge and petunjuk2 given in the question. At the end of each section, use the time check to see if you guess right, guess that answers are not written (do not ever let the number without an answer / blank in IELTS), spelling, capital letters and grammar ..

It is a good idea to underline the important kata2 (Keywords) in questions. Underlines process will help you to hear and prepare you, maybe not at the level that you are aware of, so that you can identify when spoken in a conversation. Move the answers carefully. At the end of the listening test you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Do this with caution. Use this opportunity to check spelling, grammar and guess the answer unanswered.

The Reading Test Reading (Reading)

A difficult question has the same weight value with an easy question. So, do not waste time on tricky questions. Leave it, do that more easily, then back again.

Read the instructions and pertanyaan2 first. As you read the question, underline keywords and try to think of â € ~ similiesâ € ™ (which is different but the words have the same meaning. Existing words in reading material is usually a paraphrase of the question. Depending on the type of question, use speed reading techniques and cursory text. reading a text rapidly intention is to move your eyes up and down, left and right of the text (instead of reading each line) to search for a word or a phrase or a specific piece of information. Imagine if the way we were looking for a name in the phone book. skimmed the text is read each line quickly, ignoring the words grammar and words that we do not understand / know.

Writing test (test Writing)

In the first section, you are expected to finish writing a description of a 20-minute chart, table, a process or a combination of all three. In the second part, you have 40 minutes to write an academic essay of 250 words. Remember the time. The second part is longer and more important so it takes 40 minutes. So, make sure you move with time.

The first part is about describing and comparing the data. Offering the causes and reasons for the data or trends is a waste of time. You should always try to compare the data that you see, not just write the information in front of you. Must be very careful to make a note of the date, time in the data and use the correct tense.

In the second part, the analysis questions carefully, In the second part, the analysis questions carefully, collect your IDE2 first, then decide how to structure the paragraphs that you would make, before you start writing. Stick to the topic and try to leave 5 minutes at the end to check your work. Having an awareness of the weaknesses in your writing to encourage you to use this time to re-examine your work is effective.
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kelas : 3eb02
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